Chapter 35

Synopsis - 2019

This was going to be the year of consolidating all the organizing and settling in of the last two years, since I retired to our new home in the mountains. Setbacks included, but were not limited to, seeing doctors about neglected health issues, particularly the dentist, working on my project motorcycle, which fought back every step of the way, working on our garage (still not finished), not feeling good or energetic until oh, about September, chores (firewood, gravel, ditches and culverts, deck repair, household and property maintenance, and so on and so forth). A big thank you to Helen, Val, Paula, and Bob, who pitched in to help paint our deck railing (in an hour and a half). We are making progress when we look at the big picture. There seems to be so much that needs to be done. I was hoping to have more time for working out, playing my guitar, and reflecting.I have been active in our church, Wayfarers Unity Chapel, in Dillard, Georgia, which fortunately is just down the mountain from us. I gave a talk there on spiritual psychology one Suday.

I have been able to play my guitar some and do some reading.I try to pace myself and balance chores with other activities. I take at least one nap a day. We did get electicity and doors and windows in the garage. My MacBook Pro died and I bought a refurbished iMac for $350. I was able to salvage the hard drive from the laptop and use it as an auxiliary drive. I bought a Google Chromebook (Samsung) for less than $200 from Wal Mart for utility use.

Trimming some limbs over the house


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